2019 got off to a fantastic start for the monthly meetups of the Professional Speakers Association of India. We had two fantastic sessions by two global speakers. The first session was by Paul Ter Wal, the president-elect of the Global Speakers federation and and he gave wonderful insights into opportunities for global speaking through collaboration. He also spoke about how professional speakers can benefit from being part of the Global Speakers Federation (GSF). Paul joined us from Netherlands via Zoom.

The second session was by Raj Goodman who gave 50 great marketing startegies and hacks for getting more international speaking opportunities. Raj joined us from the United Kingdom and he is the co-founder and director of Goodman Lantern, a digital marketing and research agency.

The monthly meetup takes place on the first Sunday of every month. This event marked the first anniversary of us starting the monthly meetups. Its been one year of fantastic learning from international speakers over the year.

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