One of the biggest realizations that I have come up is the need to invest in constant learning and one of the best places to do that is by attending niche conferences. In 2018, I took a resolution to get better at professional speaking and to speak at global countries. I invested money in attending conferences focused on Professional Speaking. I attended the Global Speakers Summit in Auckland, New Zealand and the Asia Professional Speakers Convention in Singapore. That one single decision of investing in these conferences has opened up global speaking opportunities. Here’s what my 2019 calendar looks like.

Philippines ( Manila): April 1 to 5

Saudi Arabia (Jeddah): April 8 to 13

Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur): April 21 to 28

Singapore: May 8 to 13

France (Paris): May 22 to 27

Austria (Vienna & Salzburg): May 28 to June 3

Nigeria (Abuja & Lagos): June 24 to July 4th

China ( Shanghai & Beijing): October 15 to 20.

Here’s my key learning. Many think that it’s the Gyaan from the conferences that have been useful in getting the speaking gigs. Sure, they are. But what has been more effective are the connections and relationships that one builds. Professional Speaking Summits & Conferences are great watering holes where the best of professional speakers congregate under one roof. I learned an important lesson that other speakers are more likely to recommend when they know you in person. Conferences are a brilliant place to do just that.

Having met many professional speakers, here’s an important observation I have made. When it comes to learning (books, conferences), the amateurs look at these as cost & expenditure…whereas successful speakers look at buying books or conference tickets as investments. That’s a HUGE difference in attitude. This explains why the amateurs continue to be wannabes whereas the professionals continue to grow and expand their speaking business.

I’m so grateful for having taken the decision to invest in learning from the best speakers in the World. That’s what prompted me and a kickarse leadership team to start our very own conference in India, the Professional Speakers Summit 2019. It takes place in Chennai on January 26 & 27, 2019. There are excellent global and national speakers speaking at the event. Am excited about the new learning and new opportunities from our Summit.

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